Nursery Schools & Family Care Center

KEVREFO is a Public Legal Entity of the Municipality of Nea Ionia by Incorporation FEK 1774/Β΄/2-12-2004. It was founded in 2004 by the merger of the following Legal Entities:
a) «1st Nursery School of Nea Ionia»
b) «Center for Early Childhood Education and Creative Employment of Children of Nea Ionia (KEVRENANI)»
c) «Nea Ionia Municipality Family Care Center (KEFO)»
In the achievement of our goals, an important role is played by the appropriately qualified pedagogical staff, as well as the observance of child-teacher ratios, which based on the age, the different rates of development and the peculiarities of each child, offer them many opportunities with love and respect of learning, through play, observation, encouraging participation, aesthetic expression and music.

An important role is also played by the kitchen staff who take care of the children's food every day, in accordance with the diet plan, as well as the auxiliary cleaning staff who are responsible for the cleanliness of the premises by applying the hygiene rules.

Organizational Structure

Head of Department: Christaki Aikaterini
Tel. contact: 210 2724761
The Directorate of Administrative & Financial Services consists of two departments:
1. Department of Administration
Deputy Head: Bakοu Athanasia
2. Accounting and Procurement Department
Head: Reveza Penelope
Head of Department: Hatzidaniel Chrysoula
The Directorate of Social Service and Health consists of two departments:
1. Department of Child Protection
Head: Tsiousta Christina
2. Department of Creative Activities

The Social Service Directorate is staffed by three (3) Social Workers, one (1) Psychologist and one (1) Paediatrician. The Scientific staff visits the Baby Centers weekly. The regular visits, in collaboration with the educational staff, aim to support and advise parents regarding the all-round development of infants.

For crisis management of family problems, you can contact the following telephone numbers: 210 2799967 & 210 2724761.
Deputy Head of Directorate: Vaisidou Kyriaki
Tel. contact: 210 2724761

The Directorate of Preschool Education consists of five Nurseries.

In the Nursery Centers of KEVREFO the educators and the rest of the staff create for the children an environment with the appropriate conditions of care and education, according to modern pedagogical principles and concepts.
The general objectives can be achieved through spontaneous or organized actions with many and different stimuli in order to strengthen the active participation of children, depending always on their interests and inclinations.
The cooperation between family and daycare center, the development of constructive relationships, is important in order to create a framework of safety for the child, in which he will be able to acquire a positive self-image.
Also, the cooperation of family and daycare contributes decisively to the identification of various difficulties of the child, so that they can be dealt with in a timely manner and in the appropriate way for each child.

Our Nurseries

1. The operation of the Children’s, Infant and Nursery Centers starts on September 1 and ends on July 31 of the following year, for five days a week, i.e. from Monday to Friday.

2. The Stations do not operate from December 24th until January 6th, as well as from Μ. Thursday until Thomas Sunday.

3. The Nurseries do not operate during the public holidays of the Public Services and on the Name day of the Patron Saint of our Municipality.

4. The operation of the Nurseries starts from 7:00 a.m. and ends at 4:00 p.m.